
Adjumani is one of the largest refugee camps in Uganda and is mostly full of South Sudanese refugees fleeing from the terrible violence and persecution in their country. Thankfully Uganda operates an open border, as otherwise these people would be trapped at the mercy of brutal militia.
​Horribly overcrowded and full of hungry, desperate people who have literally lost everything, disease and violence are widespread in the camp and deaths are all too frequent.
 South Sudan Refugees in Uganda


Medical care is scarce and unaffordable. But many children in particular urgently need lifesaving operations like tumour removals, splenectomies, prostatectomies and more. To this end, our dedicated partner in Uganda is working alongside our Congolese medical team and Adjumani Hospital to save the lives of 125 dangerously ill children and adults. The team aim to perform 125 lifesaving operations in just two weeks! The greatly valued support of wonderful donors like you is the reason behind making this project a success.

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