DR Congo
With our Project Marathon in DR Congo, we have the incredible challenge to carry out 80 lifesaving operations in just 7 days. In Dr Congo is an island called Idjwi with a population of 250,000. Due to all the bloodshed and war on the mainland, the island has become largely cut off. There is no running water, no electricity and – crucially – no medical assistance. Many children and adults on Idjwi are living under a death sentence from various cancers, diseases and other conditions simply because they can’t get proper treatment.
They urgently need lifesaving operations like tumor removals, splenectomies, goiter removals, prostatectomies and lipomas, as well as drugs to combat potential killer diseases like HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria. Are we just to stand by and let these people die?Thanks to donations from people like you, we’re already working with our local partner to bring as many of them as possible from all over the island to Monvu Hospital. This is the only logical way to reach as many patients at once and to best utilize our partner surgeon Doctor Luna’s time and expertise.
We’re calling it Project Marathon as we’re lining up twice a year Dr Luna and his team to perform an amazing 80 lifesaving surgeries over a period of just seven days. That’s more than 10 every single day! But this will only be possible if you send your very best gift without delay. Because with your help innocent young lives can be saved! We are thankful for your precious gift.
More programs of our support in DR Congo:
English class
Food for the little ones