Our mission statement
Children's Hope Fund Hong Kong Ltd. gives children and their families in distressed situations, both hope and a platform for a better future, by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and economic resources to children, their families, and the local organizations supporting their care and well-being.
Our Vision - To help those who can’t help themselves and especially children and their families caught in poverty, persecution, disease or disaster.
Our Focus
- To help children win a better life for themselves and their families. We help those living in “embraceable communities” where we can put our arms around a small group of people, perhaps an orphanage or a village, to strengthen them. We try to avoid working in huge projects where our resources might not make a discernable difference.
Our Help
- To go wherever our resources are requested, with a special focus on Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. We develop partnerships with local organizations to deliver our help, making us both financially efficient and immediately sensitive to local culture. All of our help is delivered without regard to race, gender or religion.
Our Relief
Includes high quality commodities shipped to our partners, including food, medical supplies, educational and other requested resources. We do not “ship junk.” By shipping donated commodities to our project partners, we can increase the power of each dollar our donors give by a factor of ten or greater.